Turn-Key Affordable Housing Development

Brush Hill is unique in that we provide all of the services needed if you are a non-profit, want to develop housing and don’t know where to begin.  We work with you to find a site location, secure the financing, architect the vision and then build.  We strategically work with you at the very beginning of your idea and we are with you until tenant occupancy. It takes about 3 years from beginning to completion and we manage all the essential team members that are required to complete your housing vision. 

Year 1
Site Location & Pre-Development

It takes approximately 1 year of pre-development work to find the right site, re-zone with the city, prepare preliminary architecture drawings, determine financing strategies, and to prepare finance applications with the government agencies who provide funding.

Year 2

After our clients receive notice that their developments will receive financing, it takes approximately 1 year to prepare all of the necessary documents needed for closing. This includes mortgage documents, survey, appraisal, final architecture drawings, final budget, legal documents, tenant selection documents, operating and ownership documentation, and anything else required by the financing entities.

Year 3

Once the project receives financing, it's time to build. Brush Hill works with our architect and general contractor teams to manage every step of construction including monthly construction draws, construction inspection approvals, and tracking the budget. Depending on the size and complexity of the building, construction takes between 12-18 months.

Affordable Housing for Non-Profits